Order Fulfillment Setup
Order Fulfillment Setup Instructions
So you are ready to get setup with order fulfillment with Shirt Monkey. Below are some instructions of what you need to get ready before you can begin.
Integrating With SKU Codes.
We offer high fashion quality DTG printing to all of our print on demand clients, allowing you to compete with the very biggest brands on the web. Our Kornit machines ensure you will be sending out the best quality direct to garment prints possible and onto a wide range of available garments.
How do you need to prepare your artwork?
- Your artwork should be saved at the correct size
- If you artwork is to be printed at 30cm width for example, the file itself should be saved to this size
- 300dpi
- PNG File
- Transparent Background
- Name your artwork as per your artwork code in the SKU code
- This should be a 4 or 5 digit code
- If you artwork is double sided, add _Front & _Back to your file names. For example SM01_Front.png & SM01_back.png
Lets Break It Down With An Example SKU Code
The Artwork Code
The first part of the SKU represents the artwork code itself. This will be how the print file should be named and provided to us.
This code should be no more than 5 characters long.
This code should be unique to each piece of artwork provided.
Artwork that changes colour dependant on the colour of the garment will require different artwork codes *
* For example a print onto a white t-shirt with black text might be SM01, but if you have the same design in white text onto a black t-shirt, this will need to be SM02. We cannot use extentions onto SKU codes for anything other than positioning purposes, for example SM01_Black, SM01_White is not accepted.
Double Sided Designs
Double sided designs should be named with the same artwork code, but use the extention for Front & Back as follows; SM01_Front.png and SM01_Back.png.
The Print Position
This part of the SKU code represents the position of the prints.
F = Front Print, B = Back Print, FB = Front & Back Print, EMB = Embroidery
If your design is single sided, F or B should be used to indicate the side of the garment that the print should be placed (front or back). If you design is double sided, FB should be used to inform us that the garment requires a print on both the front and back.
If your design is not a DTG print but is an embroidery print, then you should replace the FB with EMB.
The Garment Code
This part of the SKU code represents the garment code, so that our picking team know which garment to pick for your order. If you are unsure on the garment code, please get in touch with our sales team who can advise you. Example codes might include; N03, GD01, JH001 etc..
The Size
This part of the SKU code represents the size of the garment that we will need to pick for your order.
The Colour
This part of the SKU code represents the colour of the garment that we will need to pick for your order.
This part of the SKU code represents any extras that you might require for your order.
The list of extras available are as follows;
Neck (Screen printed transfer pressed on the inside neck)
Label (Woven neck label, sewn into the neck)
Sleeve (Woven label sewn onto the sleeve)
Hem (Woven label sewn onto the hem)
Insert (A flyer or leaflet is inserted with each order)
Sticker (A sticker is inserted with each order)
Packaging (Custom printed packaging is used with each order)
Other extras may be available on request, please get in touch if you have any additional requirements.
Where can I place my prints?
With DTG Printing, you can place your design on the front or back of any typical garment providing the print area is not obstructed by any pockets, zips or anything that would be an obstruction to the DTG print machine.
For example with a typical unisex T-Shirt, the print area on the front & rear would be 40x50cm on each side. On smaller garments, such as womens T-Shirts, this print size is reduced to 30x36cm.
For the front of a hoodie, to avoid the pocket, we can offer a print above the pocket which can be a maxumum of 36x30cm.
The print are for a typical tote bag is 30x30cm.
We are not able to offer DTG prints onto sleeves, hoodies, trousers or shorts, hats or any other accessories.
The placement of embroidery can be much more flexible, again providing that there is no obstruction for our operators to load the garment onto the embroidery machine.
The maximum embroidery size is a 15cm circle, this means any design that can fit within this hoop can theoretically be possible.